
Luna Park/Fun Fair

Luna Park

When i was a kid , my mum used to take me to il LUNAPARK . I loved it and i hated it.

i loved it because of the colours, and the smell of a fantasy combined with the smell of the sea.

I hated it because my mum used to take me there at 8.30pm and it was still closed sooo i could not go on any attractions. the only thing i could do was the duck-game ( i had never got what i wanted as a prize ).


IL LUNAPARK del CINQUALE opened for the first time in 1977, and since then, in July-August, it comes back.

I Giostrai ( people of the travelling show) are really proud of their culture and their origins. They are the original Italian nomads longside with the circensi ( circus people), as they like to remark.

they are very traditionalist families: 

 the job usually passes from father to son, marriges are usually among people from the same nomadic world.

They do allow marriage with people from ‘terra ferma’ or ‘quelli la’. It is common that if a daughter gets married to someone outside the Giostra, she can follow her husband and settle down in towns, villages. if a son gets married, the wife has to follow the husband and join the nomad life. this is because the activity is passed from father to son.



The travelling shows have been recognised to have a social contribution under Art.337 dated 18th March 1968


Anna's family, three generations. they are originally from Turin, North Italy.

Fabrizio and his family belong to the first group of Giostrai who opened this Lunapark in 1977.

Till not long time ago, kids from travellers were not sent to school. Nowadays, they have to attend by law. Usually, they go to school for a period of 3 months before changing again according to destination.

Anna's husband reading a book about travellers.